Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Into Retirement...

I was going to continue this blog in a professional capacity but I think I'll put it into retirement and keep it as a record of some great experiences with my classes over a couple of years.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A change in the use of this blog!

Our school has streamlined the use of blogs and wikispaces to have control and have consistency across the school.  I've decided to keep this blog and use it more as a reflection tool.  I couldn't bare to delete all of the hard work and exciting things that I had done with my classes over the years.

So, I've just spent the first two days of my holiday being motivated, inspired and encouraged to make a change, make a difference - 'To be the change I want to see in my school'.  So the 3 of us who attended the Emerging Leaders Aoteoroa - Unconference - #ignition13 have made a plan and look out those who we have targeted!  You won't know it until it is too late....

Watch this space as I document our journey of change filled with positivity!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

SAS Fun Day

We had an awesome day making up for the bad weather last week. 
 Thank you to Celena for these fabulous photos! 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sleepover at School

What a great time we all had despite the weather....!
What was your highlight?  
What challenged you the most?
If you could change one thing about SAS what would it be?
(Don't forget to write your name)

Sleepover at School #1 on PhotoPeach Sleepover at School #2 on PhotoPeach

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cultural Day

What a fantastic day.  
Everyone looked amazing and the food was divine!
What did you really enjoy?
Which food did you try for the very first time?
What was your highlight?
Remember to use the word because and to write your name!