Vladimir's Page

Vladimir has left New Zealand to go and live in Cyprus.  
We hope that have had a good time with your Dad in Hong Kong, Vladimir.  
What have you been doing in Hong Kong?  
We hope that you will comment on this blog from time to time to let us know what you are doing, how your new school is and tell us all about your new friends etc.


  1. Hi Vladimir
    did you go to your new school!
    By Jisu

  2. Hi Vladimir
    What day did you go to Hong Kong?
    Do you stiil play on sumdog?
    Where do you live in Hong Kong?
    Why did you ngo to Hong Kong?
    Do you like your school?
    Are there rules in your school?
    Do you know when your Mum is going to Hong Kong?
    By Yun Ha

  3. Hi Vladimir
    Where are you?
    How was hong kong?
    Ashley S

  4. Hi Vladimir
    Are you enjoying your programes at school?
    How many friends have you got at your school?
    Do you still go on our blog?
    Do you still play on sumdog?
    By Alice

  5. Hi Vladimir are you having fun at school what time do you go????

  6. Hi everyone! Hi Mrs Chambers!
    I'm very well thank you.
    How are you guys? I miss you all very much!
    Hong Kong was awesome! I went to disneyland.
    I'm in ukraine now and my school is in russian.
    I hope everyone is good :)

  7. Hi Vladimir. Do you still go on our blog? Do you have any new friends at your school? Do you still go on sumdog? I miss you very much too! I hope you had fun in Disneyland.
