Monday, November 22, 2010

Kung Fu Fighters

The official Jump Jam photo
We have some Kung Fu Fighters in our class.  Aria, Jade, Madison and Tara were in our year 3 & 4 aerobics team. They represented Pinehill School at the National Jump Jam Aerobics Championships in Taupo, on Saturday.
Congratulations girls.  We are so proud of your achievement - you rock!
We are quite nervous and about to begin

 The routine being performed in front of the judges 
and hundreds of people

All in time.  Don't they look great!
Finally it is all over.  The Kung Fu Fighters are being 
presented with a MASSIVE trophy for coming 4th in NZ
A formal shot for family, fans 
paparazzi that were watching!
A casual shot with our cool coach, Ms Rameka

Our makeup is off.  The trophy is packed, awesome t-shirts 
on.... time for the team to chill out and have some fun!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Billy The Punk

Who will 'Billy the Punk' copy next?  
Did you enjoy the story?  Why?  
Do you think he should have been sent home?  Why?

Click Here to read about the illustrator of the book.