Monday, July 25, 2011

Reading Challenge

Hi Everyone, 
I hope your holidays are going well and you have managed to find some really cool books to read!
What is the best book you have read these holidays and why did you like it?
I've found two new books that I like.
The first book is: I Do NOT Eat the Colour Green by Lynne Rickards
I liked this book because it reminded me of Sacha AND at the end Marlene McKean does like the colour green.
It is also the colour of Kawau House!!!!

The next book that I found and enjoyed was Rufus the Rooster written and illustrated by Jennifer Beck.
I liked this book because it reminded me of our classroom phone!  It also reminds me of Pukeko on the side of the road.  
This book has awesome illustrations.  

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What's your favourite music?

Thomas (my 5 year old nephew) is staying with us for the week.  All day I have been listening to his favourite music which is below.  What is your favourite song?  Ask your mum or dad to help you find it on Youtube and post the link in the comment box.  Try and give a reason why you like the song.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Haiku Poem

Can you write your own Haiku poem?
Remember it is:
5 syllables 
7 syllables
5 syllables
You can write it on any topic you want to.
Don't forget to put your name.