Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Solar System

Two Questions for you to answer

1. What do you know about the Solar System?

2. What would you like to know?


  1. I know about the solar system, that Earth is the third closest to the sun. There are 9 planets all together. On Venus there is 1 big volcano. The sun is a star. Other planets are Pluto, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Jupitar. I would like to know has anyone visited another planet? How many cold planets are there? and how many hot planets? From Tara

  2. Awesome questions, Tara. We can start answering those tomorrow. How will you find the answers to your questions? What will you use to help you discover the answers?

  3. I know that the sun is a star and I want to know how much rings are around saturn.From Carlos

  4. I know that a star is made of super hot gas. Pluto is a dwarf planet. One of the colder planets are neptune. I would like to know how many moons Jupiter has. From Wade. It is my Mums birthday tomorrow.

  5. Hi Wade and Carlos,
    Those are cool questions! I bet you could find the answer to that tomorrow morning before school even starts!

  6. I found out that Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. I want to find out how big it is! From Jade

  7. Hi Mrs C, I found out that if you stand on saturn you would fall straight through it. Madison

  8. Wow! Madison that is a fascinating fact! Why would you fall through the middle of Saturn?
    Jade, how are you going to find out how big Jupiter is? I wonder how much bigger than Earth it is?

  9. I found out that Jupiter has invisible rings aornd it.

  10. I learnt that the name of our galaxy is calld the millky way. Earth is the third planet from the sun. I want to know if Uranus and Neptune are the same size. From Aria

  11. Good facts Aria. You can find that information out during topic time on Wednesday or at home tomorrow. You could google it with Mum or Dad. I'd like to know the answer. Perhaps you could post your answer back here.

  12. I saw the classroom with all the Solar System posters and space information for the first time this morning - it was awesome. Great effort by Mrs Chambers and all the kids of Room 19.

    TEST & REWARD - I'll give $5 to the first student who can tell me what year the Halleys Commet was last seen from earth and when is it expected to be seen again. . . . .good luck from Aiden's Dad

  13. Halleys comet was last seen in 1986 and will be seen again in 2061. wade..

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Is Wade correct? How did you find the information Wade?
    Did you remember it from your reading group activity?
    Or did you look somewhere for the information?

  16. Well done Wade. You are absolutely right. Did you know that Halleys commet is the only commet which can be seen by the naked eye (without a telescope) and may appear twice in someones life time.

    I was only 12 the last time it flew by and I'll be 88 when it comes by again. . . . Yip I cant wait . . . . spend your $5 wisely.

  17. I know that the sun is very hot. It makes me feel good when I am basking in it.

  18. I know that there are four gas giants in our solar system Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune.

    by Natalie

  19. I know that the planets are so apart from each other and I would like to know how much stars are in the sky.From carlos

  20. a Galaxy have a lots and lots of milky way the milky way is full of stars
