Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Swimming Lessons at Hilton Brown

Wow!  This years swimming lessons are over.   You all did incredibly well with your swimming.  Special mention must go to Jun.  Well done on your HUGE improvement.  When you first started you didn't want to even put your face in! BUT now you can float like a starfish.  AWESOME!
What was the best part of going swimming with Room 19?  Don't forget to put your name.


  1. The best part about swimming was jumping in the big pool because we got to chuck a ball and catch it in the water. From Carlos

  2. The best part of swimming for me is getting to dive into the pool, running in the water and the bus ride!!!

    By Jade

  3. The best part of swimming was that we could play tag! Other days we would go and dive in the big pool that was also fun!by Natalie

  4. The best part of swimming was when I jumped into the big pool.That was fun.
    By Madison

  5. I liked swimming at hilton brown! The best part of going to hilton brown was EVERYTHIG! But the most best part of going to hilton brown was ... when my swimming teacher made the pool longer it was extremely long. and i swam the whole length wit out stopping. By Sarah Waller.

  6. My favourite part about swimming would have to be the diving because I like it when the water splashes on my face

    by Rachael F

  7. My best part about swimming is when I did the dolphin dive

    by kalib

  8. The best part of swimming was doing my backstroke because before I was really bad at it. By Irene

  9. The best part of swimming is when we got to dive in the pool.by aiden

  10. I liked the dolphin dive and learning how to do crocodile arms.
    By Nathan

  11. My favourite part about swimming would have to be the diving because I like it when the water splashes on my face

    by Rachael F

  12. My best part is swimming because swimming is so fun. By Se Young

  13. The best part of swimming was when we got to jump into the big pool and everything else that we did in our swimming lessons. By Gian

  14. I liked swimming because I was good at freestrokes and doing the dives.
    The best part was doing the dolphin nose it was fun.
    by sungju

  15. The best part of swimming was diving because I got past the brick and I enjoyed the bus rid.By joshua
