Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays everyone.
What are you going to do while you are on holiday?
I'm going on an aeroplane to a place that has a lot of theme parks.  I wonder if you can guess where it is?
I'll tell you where it was on Monday 11 October and I'll share some photos with you too.

Be safe and have loads of fun.
Mrs Awesome ;-)

PS If you are going to make a comment don't forget to write your name!

A clue for you!

1 comment:

  1. In the holiday, I went to the NEWYORK CITY. HoHoHo HaHaHa NEWYORK CITY is my dream. I was joking. I went to the wairewa hot pool with my friend Roy. I think Mrs Awesome went to GOLD COAST. Was it right? I want to hear the story, photos and were you went. I will miss rm19. see you at 11 MONDAY. BYE from SUNGJU^^
