Friday, October 29, 2010

Your Country Study

Share what country you are studying and some facts you have discovered.
Which country are you investigating?
What is the capital?
Who is the Prime Minister/President?
What country is it close too?
What is their national flower, tree or animal?
What colours are on the flag?
Don't forget to put your name?


  1. SCOTLAND begins around 14,000 years ago and they have are big castle. Sports has Football, Rugby union ,Scotland national football team.
    Scotland with England into the Kingdom of Great Britain.
    Capital of SCOTLAND is Edinburgh .Scotland has no Prime Minister, since it is part of Great Britain, which is part of the United Kingdom, whose Prime Misister is now Mr. Gordon Brown. The national flower of Scotland is the thistle.
    The flag is blue and insid it has white x.
    by sungju

  2. INDIA has more people than any other country exepet China. Indian people wear Saris. India celebrates diwali. Diwali i simply put as India's christmas. India's Falg's colour is White,Green and Orange. In India there is a building called ''the Taj Mahal''. It is ranked as one of the most elagant buildings in the world. It is made out of white bricks.Sarah.

  3. I am investigating Japan because Japan is my mum's country.Capital city is Tokyo.Their prime minister is Mr Naoto Kan.korea is close to Japan.
    Their national flower is Sakura,yes it is my name.On the flag, there are two colours.Red and white.Sakura Orgias.
