Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome to Room 19 in 2011

Welcome to Room 19.  I hope that you all had a fabulous holiday.  Here are some photos of my camping holiday.  As you can see there was lots of time for reading, riding and relaxing!
What was the best part of your holiday?  Mine was swimming at the beach because there were really cool waves to catch.
Uretiti Beach - My paradise!

Our campsite

Lots of riding, walking & playing games

Reading in peace in Bradley's messy tent!

Lots of time for sleeping......

Traditional New Years Eve food

My cheeky nephew Lucas

Lucas' brother on his new boogie board


  1. the best part of my holiday was when I went to the zoo and the beach with my next door neighbour.
    she is really cute, she is 1 year old.
    Her name is Zoe, I go to her house everyday and play with her, sometimes I babay sit her while her mom goes to work and her dad is doing house work.
    But sometimes her mom goes to the supermarket and her dad is at work so we baby sit her at my house.

  2. Hi Jumana,
    I wondered if you would be first to write on the blog. Well done and 1000 house points! I love going to the zoo too. Going with a 1 year old would be lots of fun as well. Zoe is lucky to have you look after her ;-)

  3. Hi Mrs C,
    We went to Uretiti beach too for a holiday. I like camping because I liked flying a kite.

  4. In the holidays we went on lots of bushwalks. On one of the the bushwalks there were bullet holes in the sign because we were near the NZ army training area.

    From Liam.

  5. HI Iona
    Wow! You were at Uretiti as well. Awesome! We had a kite to fly but it got stuck in the trees. The wind was too strong!

    Hi Liam,
    Bush walks are good fun. It would have been exciting walking near the army training area. Did you hear any gunshots? Did you take a photo of the sign?

  6. Hi Mrs C,

    I didn't hear any gunshots but I took a photo of the sign.

    From Liam.

  7. In the holidays we moved house. The house was really big. My room is really big and the kitchen floor was really shiny. I like my new house. My mum, sister and I are going to Wellington to pick up my dad I can't wait.
    From: Amy

  8. Hi Liam,
    Can you bring in the photo and share it? or get mum to email it!

    Hi Amy,
    Your new house sounds really cool! Have you been to Wellington before? I have been about 3 times and each time I went it was REALLY WINDY!

  9. In the holidays I went to the zoo. I saw the meercats. At the end was a big tunnel. I held Lucy's hand because she was scared. I had so much fun.

  10. In the holiday I went to Taupo. It was so much fun. I loved my holiday.

  11. In the holidays I did some gardening with my mum and
    dad. I dug lots of clay and then it rained and the clay got mushy.
    by Emily

  12. In the holiday I went to the spa with my friends. One guy got a water gun so we got wet.We saw this thing and it was slippery so we fell down. My best part was getting wet by the water was really fun.

  13. In the holidays my favourite part was Christmas because I got lots of presents from my family. Then we went to the beach to have a B,B,Q, and we also had lots of fun

  14. Hi Daniella,
    You must be a really good big sister! I love looking at the meercats. The chimpanzees and orangutans are my favourite animals to look at.

    Hi Parwana,
    I went to Taupo for my holiday last year. It is a really neat place to visit isn't it.

    Hi Emily,
    Did you play in the mushy clay? You could have made something from the clay. Were you planting new plants or weeding the garden or both?

    Hi Andrew,
    That sounds like really good fun, being squirted by a water gun at the spa. Did you get wet....!?

    Hi Isis,
    You are very lucky getting lots of presents for Christmas. It is really good fun having a BBQ at the beach. I like to go down to the beach in summer time and have fish and chips with loads of tomato sauce!

  15. In the holidays, I went camping with my friends to Tauranga and Taupo. My favourite part was going on a jetboat and kayacking with my friends. It was so much fun!
    By Aaron

  16. Hi Aaron,
    I'm thrilled to hear that you went camping in the holidays. Camping is such great fun isn't it. You are lucky to go jet boating AND kayaking.

  17. Wow Mrs the photo of you sleeping! Had you had a very busy day?
    Mrs Smith

  18. Mrs Smith,
    Camping is very hard work! You have to sit and read, go to the beach and swim, go to the dairy for a lime swirl ice cream, socialise with the other campers.....the list goes on! So yes it must have been a very busy day.
    You should tell room 19 all about your cruise.....

  19. Wow Mrs C that does sound like lots of fun.

    Hi Room 19...Some of you will know that I went on a cruise ship in the holidays, I went with my family and we had a fantastic time. There was so many things to do on the boat, like playing bingo, sports games, dance classes, food shows and much more. But most of the time I just sat by the pool up on the top deck and went swimming with Sophie.
    The most exciting thing that happened was when we meet a cyclone!
    Mrs Smith

  20. In the holidays,I went to a P&O cruise with my family too! We went to vanuatu,New Caledonia,I like mango from New Caledonia.
    I like the buffet,playing playstation 2 games and swimming on the cruise ship.
    From Allan

  21. In the holiday I went to Snow Planet. I always raced my Dad and I always won.
    By Jerway

  22. Mrs Smith and Allan - you are both very lucky! It sounds like going on a cruise would be a fabulous holiday. I like mango too!

    Jerway - I'm impressed that you won races against your Dad! Well done. Do you have your own ski gear? Did you ski or snowboard?

  23. We were clearing out the backyard to get it ready to put in a swimming pool!

    I couldn't make any animals with the clay because it was dirt clay not sculpturing clay.

    I could throw it at my brother though...

    By Emily

  24. Ha ha ha Emily! I like your thinking...... Yes I probably would have thrown it at my brother too. Remember that for next time!
    See you at school ;-)

  25. In the holiday I went Toupo.I went with my friends.It was really fun. I loved my holiday. Parwana.

  26. Hi Parwana,
    I'm pleased to hear that you enjoyed Taupo. It's a great place for a holiday. I bet you had lots of fun with your friends.
    See you tomorrow

  27. I went to Lantern Festival last night. I bought a beyblade and two lanterns,one for me and one for room 19,I am going to bring it to school on Monday.
    By Allan

  28. Hi Allan,
    Wow, that sounds great. I can't wait to hear all about the Lantern Festival. If you took some photos could you please bring them in, or email them to me and I'll print them.
    See you Monday ;-)

  29. Today I went to my friend's birthday party. She had it at Butterfly Creek. Heaps of butterflys landed on me. One of the butterflys landed on my face. It was scary when the butterfly landed on my face. Then we went to the farm to feed the animals. A goat was following me because it knew I had a bag of food. We got to hold a baby rabbit. There was one smaller than my hand. Then we went on a train. We went round two times. I thought we were going to go round three times. Then we went to McDonald's for lunch. I got chicken nuggets and chips. We went on the playground.
    By Samantha

  30. Hi Samantha,
    That sounds really cool!
    Did you take some photos?
    See you in the morning ;-)
