Saturday, August 13, 2011

Swimming at Hilton Brown

Here are some photos of your first swimming session at Hilton Brown.  
What did you enjoy the most? 
Remember to use because and write your name at the end!


  1. My favourite part of swimming was when we pretended we were driving our car because we get to blow bubbles.
    I can't wait until next time!

    Written by:

  2. My favourite part was when we did the backstroke because I thought it was a bit less tireding and exhausting than reststroke or freestyle. I had a such a fabulous time at swimming. I can't wait to swim again at Hilton Brown.

  3. My favorite part was doing a cannon ball in to the pool because it made a big splash and when every one else did it I got wet. It was really fun.

    By Samantha

  4. My favourite part was when we tried to catch the fish. We had to go in the water and find a fish and grab it.I liked it because I like going deep in the pool.Also when we had the board and start to swim.

  5. My favorite part of swimming was dolfian dive because you have to touch the botime and come bake up. By Daniella

  6. My favorite part of swimming was having competitions because I kept on coming first.It was so much fun!It was a bit hard changing at the beginning and the end.I also liked diving in and swimming under the rail and to the other rail.

  7. My favourite part was when we did freestyle because it was easy to turn your arms around and kick your feet. I cant wait until next time !

    By Oliver Zhang.

  8. My favorite part at hilton brown as when we did the back strokes because it was really easy.I have another favorite part it was when i got better in the breathing thing without sinking.From Sakura

  9. My favorite part of swimming is when we go on our back's and also going on our front and I can't wait until next time. by Allan

  10. my favourite part of swimming was when we did breath stroke because when you kick your legs it is very cool.

    By Aaron

  11. My favourite part of swimming was doing breaststroke because it is my favourite stroke

  12. My favorite part of swimming was when we did the backstroke because you get to breath all the way to the end. I cant wait till we swim again at Hilton Brown!!! Isis

  13. My!! favorite part was the cannonball into the pool too because I like to jump

    By; Emily

  14. My favourite part at swimming was when I was doing the back stroke because I some time relax and not always rash to breath.By Jeffrey

  15. My favorite part was of swimming is we sometimes play games and we also do breaststroke .Dasha khobta

  16. My favourite part of the swimming was that the water was hot because I thought it was going to be freezing cold. By Liam.
