Sunday, December 4, 2011

Super Successful Sleepover at School

What a fantastic Sleepover at School. 
What was your favourite part? ..... Because!
How could it be improved for the year 3 classes next year?
(Don't forget your name)

Thursday Morning Year 3 Athletics Day
Running races over - time for some fun relays
High jump
Shot put action
Long jump champ
Thursday afternoon House Group rotations begin
 Rakino house - drawing masterpieces
Kawau house - creating Lego masterpieces
Motuihe house - puzzles in the hall 
Waiheke house - reading in the hall
 Our first meal together in the hall
Some of the girls eating pizza

The boys with their mouths full!
Dinner over - time for some fun and games on the field
The PE shed was emptied and we could play games of
our choice
Most of us are relaxing quietly....!
The boys are chilling out!
Someone is already asleep....not!
Our first sleepover!
 Breakfast time
We had a choice of cereals, peaches or toast.  Yum, yum
Friday fun-filled activities 
The Burma Trail
Team work on the Burma Trail
The outdoors obstacle course
The makeshift indoor obstacle course
Designing a raincoat
Lots of negotiating and teamwork required
Many hands make light work
The test!
The Grand Finale!
Lining up for the safety instructions
Girls making a train
The boys twirly whirly
Do you think they are having fun?
The boys train about to leave the station!
Lunch time - sausage sizzle and fruit