Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Question For Mrs Chambers

I've been asking you lots of questions to get to know you better.  
Do you have a question for me?  What is something you would like to know about me and my family?
Don't forget to put your name!


  1. Hi do you have any pets and what are their names.I don't have any pets because my dad is allergic.My favourite animal is a kitten because they are really cute.

  2. Do you play any sports? What type of car do you drive?
    From Liam K.

  3. Hi Jumana,
    I have a ginger cat. His name is Tom. He is very annoying. He sometimes vomits his food on the carpet (lucky it's old carpet). He meows at the top of his voice at 6am in the weekends. He is saying "feed me, feed me, feed me!". He fights with the other cats in the neighbourhood. He loves to play with water! BUT the most annoying thing he does is climb up onto the deck and meow because he has no way of getting down or inside unless we open the ranch slider! Would you like him?

  4. Hi when is your birthday? and how old will you be? what is your favourite cake? Daniella

  5. Hi Liam,
    I play netball. I ride my bike every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. We go about 25-30 kilometres. I also love swimming. Actually I really like all sports. I'll have a go at playing anything.
    What sports do you play?

    I drive a car that is called the Mighty Corona! It's blue and has my bike rack on it.

  6. Hi Daniella,
    My birthday is on the 8th of September. I'll be a year older than what I am now!!!

    My favourite flavour cake is sultana cake, Christmas cake or carrot cake with cream cheese icing.... yum yum yum

  7. Do you have any pets?Would you like to have a baby? Do you have any pets? Which street do you live in? Is your street busy? From:Amy Wang

  8. Hi mrs chambers what do you like to do in your spare time ? And what is your favorite food.

  9. Hi Amy,
    I have a what I wrote to Jumana and it will tell you all about my MAD cat! He got up on the deck twice last night. That means that I have to get out of bed 2 times to let him in. I was not happy! I live in a quiet street in Browns Bay so it is not busy.

  10. Hi Parwana,
    I really like to read books in my spare time. I also like to go up and visit my mum and dad. They live in Uretiti. When I go there it is so relaxing as I don't have to do any cooking. I love cooking, but it is nice to have a break and have someone cook for me ;-)
    My favourite food is lamb that is covered in garlic and rosemary and cooked on the spit. I have it straight off the bone with tomato sauce... MMMMM a taste sensation!

  11. Hi Mrs Chambers
    What will you do after school? What can you do in your house? Do you have any pet except the cat? Where are you born? What food do you like the best? What schools are you in when you were small? Jeffrey

  12. Hi Mrs Chambers,
    What is your favourite book? And do you play any instrument? I am learning recorder and I would like to join the school band one day. Allan

  13. HI Jeffrey,
    I normally go home and cook dinner after school. I can do lots of things in my house like read, watch TV, play on the computer, cook dinner, bake cakes or biscuits. Tom is the ONLY pet I have!
    I was born in Kaitaia. So I went to Kaitaia Primary, Kaitaia Intermediate and Kaitaia College.
    You will have to read Parwana's answer to find out my favourite food ;-)

    1000 house points to anyone who can show me on a map where Kaitaia is.

  14. Hi Allan,
    I still can't find my favourite book from when I was little....I will keep looking for it. Some other favourites are the Hairy Maclary series of books. I love the rhyming words in them.
    I do not play an instrument. But if you ask Mrs Hohaia she will tell you that I am a very good singer (not!)
    It is great to have a goal like joining the school band. Well done. I'm sure you will make it ;-)

  15. Kaitaia is the most northern town in New Zealand and is about 116 kms south of Cape Reinga on the north island.

  16. Well done Allan!
    The 1000 house points are yours.

    Anyone else who can tell me where Kaitaia is..... can also get the 1000 house points.

  17. Hi Mrs C,

    What is your favourite type of music? Do you have a favourite movie?


  18. Hi Emily,
    My favourite type of music is Kiwi Classics that ROCK!
    April Sun in Cuba by Dragon and Blue Lady by Hello Sailor are my absolute favourite songs. But I like Dave Dobbyn, Split Enz, The Dance Exponents, The Dudes ....... and more!
    I really don't have a favourite movie. I like watching what adults call 'chick flicks'. They are movies that girls enjoy watching because they don't have 'shoot em up' and 'bang bang' stuff in them!

  19. Hi Mrs C
    Where was your favourite place you for a trip? I have been in south Korea last year with mum. It was interesting.


  20. Hi Andrew,
    Surfers Paradise is our favourite place to visit. There are heaps of things to do there PLUS there is great shopping!
    I also love going camping in the summer holidays.

  21. hai, Mrs Awesome
    I would like to know more about you
    Whats your fave colour not including green of couse!!!!!!! :P
    I miss you as my teacher but Mrs Penberthy is great really nice to
    How are your days at school at school at the moment?
    And Sacha did her study by the way!!!!! hahahahahahahaha
    See you at school

    Jade and Sacha :D :) :P

  22. Sorry spelt course wrong!!!!!
    :p :D
