Friday, March 4, 2011


Our new digital maths learning website

What is the best part so far?

Have you created a new avatar?  To do this you click on the top right corner after you have signed in.


  1. The best part is playing street racer.
    I created a new avatar and I used an angry face because I can scare people.


  2. Hi Allan
    That is a great idea! An angry face to scare people. Well done creating a new avatar and finding a favourite game already.

  3. I am enjoying bunny hop and street race because there are new maths questions on it.Yes I have done my avatar. Daniella

  4. Hi Mrs chambers. I am loving Sum dog. My Favorite game is tennis, rugby,tower cilimer and street racer.I have changed my avatar two times.Last week on the weakened I played on sum dog for a long time.PARWANA.

  5. Hi Daniella,
    You will have to show me bunny hop. It sounds like hoppin good fun!

  6. Hi Parwana,
    I can hear your enthusiasm for Sumdog which is GREAT! Please show me your avatar in the morning. I'm wondering if you have pink hair??

  7. I went on sumdog when I changed my avatar it didn t work Emily b

  8. HI Emily,
    Did you push the save button? I have been into your account and changed your avatar. I had to push save and it saved it! Have another go and let me know how it goes ;-)

  9. On sumdog my best part was playing on bunny hop because I keep on winning and the others keep on loosing!Iquite like street racer and alien in vaders as well!From:Amy Wang!

  10. Hi Amy,
    You will have to show me Alien Invaders. I haven't seen that one before. I'm pleased to hear that you are enjoying it.

  11. Hi Mrs C - just thought I would let you and your students know that both Isabell and Lillian are also on Sumdog - they love it. Your students may even play against them in the world challenges. They are called IsiA & LiliA! Hope your students continue to enjoy Sumdog! Cheers Nicola A

  12. HI Nic,
    WOW that's so very cool. Room 19 can certainly look out for IsiA & LiliA!
    I wonder who the champions will be?
    Mrs C ;-)

  13. Hi Mrs c.I am really enjoying Sumdog.My favourite game is tower climber and street racer.I also like getting points.Sumdog is really fun.

  14. Hi Jumana,
    Have you purchased any games from the shop yet? I'm glad you think it is lots of fun.

  15. Best part so far is to have got 100 points.Mrs Chamber,please check out my avotar.Sakura

  16. Hi Sakura,
    I'm impressed to hear that you have 100 points. Well done. Your avatar is cool!

  17. I like playing the games the most because I like learning new maths. I don't want to be left behind!
    By Emily

  18. Hi Emily,
    What do you mean when you say you "don't want to be left behind"? Is this in the car racing game?
    How many points do you have?

  19. "My best part was playing alien invanders."
    "I like versing commander on alien invander."
    "I've changed my avatar as well!"
    By Jeffrey

  20. Hi Jeffrey,
    Both yours and Sakura's avatars have hair with my favourite colour! Alien Invaders looks like a very cool game. There was a game similar to that when I went to school.
    You are the leader of this weeks challenge! Well done.
