Friday, April 29, 2011

Singapore - Sunshine, Shopping & Sweat!

Who is the most excited do you think?

Marina Bay Sands Hotel.  On top of this magnificent building is a bar, chocolate buffet restaurant and a massive swimming pool complete with palm trees and of course an amazing view.
One of the many plates of chocolate taste sensations from the chocolate buffet restaurant.  Thank goodness there was some fruit for in between all of the sweetness.

We went to Lau Pa Sat which is a hawkers food area.  Lots of little places to get dinner from.  This girl was putting sugar cane into the machine to squeeze the juice from it.  The juice was then added to freshly squeezed fruit if it needed sweetening.

Really cool palm trees all over Singapore.

Look how close the monkeys are to the big monkey on the right!  They were playing on the picnic table.

There are heaps of sculptures everywhere.  This one was a lolly tree outside a
M-A-S-S-I-V-E lolly shop.

This was taken on Sentosa Island.  Everywhere we went people had matching t-shirts so we thought we'd do the same thing!  We were Team Sentosa NZ!
From the left Julie Bose, Kerry Peirce, Me & Miss McNae.

This was taken at the highest alfresco bar in the world - Altitude.  I was amazed by all of the ships waiting in the harbour.  There were hundreds of them.  When it was dark it looked amazing as they all had their lights turned on.

Mrs Sandifer and her friend had a 24 hour stop over in Singapore so we all met up for breakfast.  It was a mini Pinehill School Reunion!
From the left Kerry Peirce, Wendy Sandifer, Kathy (Wendy's friend), Julie Bose, Abby McNae, Me, Jackson and his mum Belinda Robinson.

The Pinehill gang at Raffles.  We had just had a Singapore Sling and eaten some peanuts.  When you have got your peanuts out of the shells you throw the shells on the ground - gross isn't it?
A photo of the floor covered in peanut shells!  I can't find the reason why people do this.  If you can find the answer or if Mum or Dad know bring in the answer and get yourself 1000 house points.

 How gross is this!  People put their feet into pools of fish.  The fish then eat the dead skin on your feet.  This lady said that it tickled.... I was NOT keen to give it a go.

Who do you think we thought of when we took this photo?  It was taken at Universal Studios.  What a cool place to visit.  We went on heaps of roller coaster rides and saw an amazing 4D Shrek show.  Donkey sneezed all over us - gross!

Chinatown.  Lots of shopping ;-)

Singapore is an awesome place to visit.  I really enjoyed seeing Belinda Robinson's school and Julie Bose, Nathan Calvert & Kerry Peirce's school.   I also enjoyed spending time by the pool and sight seeing.  The best sights were the monkeys at the park - not behind cages and the amount of ships in the harbour.  The very best sight was Marina Bay Sands Hotel.  The building is incredible to see in the day and at night.

What was your favourite part of your holiday?  Don't forget use because and to add your name.


  1. My favorite part of my holiday was having a sleep over with my friends because we had lots of fun.Also we went to MC cafe we had coffee and with melting chocolate.MMMMMM Parwana

  2. My favourite part of my holidays was when I went to the beach with ym family because it was fun finding crabs and fish under rocks. What fun! By: Amy Wang

  3. The answer for the peanut shell on the floor is : Singapore has strict discipline, people can not throw rubbish in public areas, but the long bar offers customers a special feeling of freedom by throwing peanut shells on the floor. Allan

  4. My favourite part of the holerday was my birthday because I got to go shopping and biy some cool things For lunch we had the best lunch it was so nice Daniella

  5. My favourite part of the holidays was going to Snow Planet because I really wanted to go there and we went there.

  6. My favourite part of my holiday is when I went to Rainbows ends because I went on some really cool things that I never went on.And I was high enough to play all of the things. by Oliver Z

  7. In the holiday I went to China for a wedding because my cousin got married. I went out for dinner while I was in China too.

  8. The best part of my holiday was going to Jeffrey's party because I like going to birthday parties. The food was good and we all had corn dogs. They were quite good. You should try one next time you go to Chipmunks!

  9. The best part of my holidays was finishing my treehut.
    From Liam.

  10. In the holiday I went to Glenfield Swimming Centre.I went on the diving board 5 times.Then I went on the hydroslide 6 times.What A great holiday!Aaron

  11. My favorite part of the holidays was going to Kelly Tarltons because I bought a Club Penguin. I got a Club Penguin puzzle because I got the question right. It was magrator and the question was what's the name of Rockhoppers about.

  12. My favourite holiday was when I went to Australia because I got to swim whenever I wanted to. I loved it.
    By Emily

  13. The favourite part of my holidays was going to my cousin's house for a sleep over because we had a delicious dinner. We also played Sing Star. It was really sad because I had to go home right after we'd been to Time Zone.
    By Jumana

  14. Wow! Your holidays sound fantastic. Well done to those of you who researched the peanut question.
