Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Makes Room 19 a 'Great Place To Be'?

The fabulous Room 19!
What does make Room 19 a great place to be?  Remember to use because and to write your name at the end.


  1. We can make our class a great place to be is putting our chair down when the teacher says so because it is nice to put other people char down Daniella

  2. We can make our class a better place by pushing our chair in when we are not using it.We can also make it a better place by waiting our turn and using manners.

  3. We can make this class the best class by no running on the red bricks or in the class room and using our maners.
    By Samantha and Emily

  4. We can make our class a better place by holding scissors the right way so nobody will get hurt. Also we can share games with each other.Amy

  5. we can make this class the best by always using the pine-hill way and saying manners.
    by oliver z

  6. We can make our class a better place by pushing in our chair nobody will trip over. Isis

  7. We can make our class a better place by not drawing on other peoples work.
    By Aaron

  8. What great responses Room 19. Well done.

  9. We can make room 19 a better place by doing the Pinehill Way and not doing bad things like drawing in other people's books. Also no running on the red brick's. Also putting down your chair down in the morning and putting your chair up when it's the end of the day.
    Pinehill School is a friendly place.
    Also room 19 Rocks
    From Parwana

  10. Fantastic answers Parwana.
    Awesome ;-)

  11. Room 19 will be special if we be nice to eachother and help eachother because no one will be hurt and no one will cry.From Sakura
