Monday, May 30, 2011

Book Character Parade & Our Doorway

Back Row: Bad Jelly the Witch, William, Bad Jelly the Witch Student, Rose, Rose, Tim, Tim, Tim, Tex the Cowboy, Bad Jelly the Witch Student
Front Row: Bad Jelly the Witch Student, Captain Underpants, Binky the Cat, Go Dog Go, Little Red Riding Hood, Little Mermaid, Clone Trooper

Don't we all look stunning in our book character costumes.  Well done Room 19 you look Awesome!

Your artwork looks stunning against the brick wall of BAD JELLY the WITCH'S castle!

Who do you think the hero is in Bad Jelly the Witch?
Don't forget to use 'because' and your name at the end.


  1. I think dingle mouse because he gets jim the giant eagle to help Tim and Rose by Emily

  2. I think Dingle mouse because he got Jim the eagle to save Tim and Rose and he nibbled a hole big enough for all of them to get out of the sack. Then he climbed out the window and got help.
    By Samantha and Jumana

  3. Great answers you three. Super reasons to back up your opinions too. Well done.

  4. I think Dinggle mouse because he told his friend the egglle to fly them away PARWANA

  5. I think Dingle Mouse is the hero because he got Jim the eagle and he nibbled a hole in the sack to get Jim the eagle . From: AMY

  6. I still think dingle mouse

    By Emily
