Sunday, September 25, 2011

Making Poi with Mrs Hohaia

On Friday we made poi with Mrs Hohaia.  We had to plait the handle first and then make the round part.  It was tricky so we worked with a buddy.


  1. Very interesting, the question is, did you learn how to use it in a nice dance yet? Rafa

  2. No we didn't .We are going to learn a dance on Friday with Mrs Hohaia.It was so much fun.My partner for plaiting was Samantha.We did it super
    fast.It was fun.

    Jumana Maash

  3. I plaited with Emily. I finished mine fist. Actually I didn't finish mine first because Emily gave on of hers to me because she thought it was too short and I agreed with her. Emily made a new one and I like hers way better than mine. I'm still happy and proud of mine though. I had su much fun plaiting and making the poi. Iwish Ihad those materiels and wolls we used to make poi because I really want to make them at home. I had a really fun time!
    By: Amy

  4. I like making poi .My buddy jerway is a good helper . we made poi really fast so at lunch time we need to help Aaron and Olivier . jerway's mum came to help us so thats why we did it fast.

  5. On Friday I made a poi with Dasha. The plaiting was really tricky but me and Dasha got use to it.Dasha and I only got to make one poi. I really enjoyed making poi.parwana

  6. I planted it with Aaron.Aaron finished it first & I finished it second because I helped Aaron first to finnish it. So Jerway's mum had to help me.

    By Oliver Zhang

  7. I made poi with Allan. We both had two poi. We used plastic bags, scissors and ropes. We had a awesome great time.

    Written by:

  8. I like working with my buddy jeffrey he was helpful. After when we finish plating the we gave my Mum the poi to finish it by putting the newspaper, conton wool and plastic bag on.

  9. It was fun making poi with parwana on friday. It was not that hard to do the plaiting. But I still like doing it.

    By Dasha

  10. i felt like it was very fun because i can do the thing with Oliver. Jerways mum helped us.


  11. On Friday we made some Poi. We worked with partners. My partner was Maxwell. it was so much fun. Bushra

  12. The best part of making poi was doing the platting because we did it so fast and my buddy was Liam my first buddy was Busha. by Daniella

  13. The best part about making poi was doing the plaiting because we did it super fast. For the plaiting my buddy was Jumana.

  14. When we made the poi my buddy was amy and when I got home I saw my brother swinging my poi!

    E Dog
