Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weaving for the Art Exhibition

The Art Exhibition opens Monday 3 October.  Don't our pieces of weaving look spectacular!

A practise at weaving - remembering to go 'in and out'
Another practise at going 'over and under'
We had to pull out some pieces of hessian to weave the pieces of flax through
We had to concentrate really hard and be patient!
One of the first completed pieces
Hanging in the classroom.  Some students said it felt like being in a forest!
Another completed piece of work


  1. Awesome photos room 19, you are a very talented group. Rafa

  2. Everyone in our classroom wove a piece of art work. It took a long time. Our art looks AWESOME!

    Written by:

  3. I really think it does look spectaculer and did you know my tricky part was when we had to weve some fax that were pealing out.But I had a AAAAAAAWWWWWWEEEEEEESSSOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEE time
    written by Parwana

  4. The hardest part was sewing the shells on and weaving peices of flax in.But anyway I had a great time.

  5. the hardast part of weaving is sliding the strings out and puting the flax in because the flax kept getting in the way.

    by Aaron Hu

  6. marilyn from rm 10 pt englandOctober 31, 2011 at 10:52 AM

    WOW amazing.That is really cool.Awsome.
