Saturday, January 28, 2012


Most valuable item of clothing....!
Wow!  What a wet holiday.  The most valuable item of clothing that I packed was my gumboots!  Yes gumboots, for a Christmas/New Year summer holiday.  At one point it rained for 62 hours in a row.... However, it was good fun and a good time to rest and get ready for a fabulous 2012 school year.  
What was your highlight?  And why was it your highlight.  Don't forget to put your name at the end.
My highlight was buying a new bike.  Isn't it a cool colour!


  1. My highlight was buying a new bike. It was a highlight because we were supposed to be buying a bike for Darren! Instead I got one. I love the lime green colour and I love that is goes super fast!
    Mrs Chambers

  2. my highlight of my holiday is that i went to fiji i went to castaway island.
    i got my hair braded. there are 141 in my hair. it took 3 and a half hours.
    i enjoy the ice cream.

    1. How on Earth did you sit still for 3 and a half hours? It was worth it though.... they look super cool!

  3. I have a few highlights - moving from Invercargill to Auckland at Christmas time, it was very exciting on the plane and seeing lots of new things. Being able to go to the beach to try my new boogie board out AND going to a lollie making shop to watch how lollipops are made and then making my own one!! :D
    Keeara Mawson

    1. What a mammoth holiday you have had. I love boogie boarding. What flavour was your lollipop?

    2. It was a fruit salad flavouring that the man mixed in :) Very tasty!

    3. Sounds very tasty all right!

  4. I have a few highlights. Firstly, I had a sleepover at my friend's place. Then, I went to Whitianga, Coromandel, Tauranga, Te Puke and Rotorua with my parents. Lastly, I enjoyed playing Monopoly Here and Now New Zealand Edition with my parents.

    Adam Azwan

    1. That sounds like a fantastic holiday Adam. I bet you had loads of fun at your friend's place. Which place did you enjoy the most on your road trip?

  5. My highlight of my holiday was a trip to South Island. My favorite city was Queenstown because there was a big lake. I like to put sticks in the lake. And throw rocks in the water. And i love watching the new year fireworks.

    1. Awesome! You got to go to Queenstown. It is a lovely area isn't it. Did you pan for gold at Arrowtown?

    2. yes mum found a little bit of gold

    3. Was there enough gold to make mum a gold ring?

  6. the best part was when I went on the airoplane I could see clouds and evreything it was so cool by Ashley B

    1. Ashely where did you go to on the plane? I love looking at the ground below. It looks like a patchwork quilt. I love taking off in a plane but I don't really like landing though!

  7. The best part was when I went on the airplane to go to Korea.
    At Korea I went Everland Park with our family.
    I played with my little brother.
    It was a fun day by Alice

    1. What sorts of things are at Everland Park? What else did you do when you were in Korea?

  8. I went to Rotorua Waikite Valley Thermal pools and we stay for one day and two days.By Jisu

    1. I haven't heard of Waikite Valley Thermal Pools. How many pools are there? What else did you do in Rotorua?

    2. They have six pools and I swim with my family. After that I went to The Redwoods, was lot of fun.

    3. That sounds fabulous. The Redwoods are amazing aren't they? The trees are so BIG!

  9. I had a fabulous holiday on the cruise. On the cruise we went to 5 Islands. The 5 Islands are called Isle of pines, Mystery Island, Vanuatu, Lofu and Noumea. I did snorking there and I saw lots of beautiful fish swimming in the water. My friend saw Nemo the fish.
    by Monica

    1. WOW! A cruise. Did you go to the kids club on the cruise? I'm impressed that you went snorkeling. I always manage to get water up my nose when I snorkel!

  10. The best part of my holiday was going to Vietnam.Because I had fun at bowling at night.The next night to a fun park. It had a very fast rollercoaster and we on a fairess wheel.

    1. A few of my friends who live in Singapore have been to Vietnam and LOVED it! What do you recommend I do and see when I go and visit Vietnam with Darren?

  11. The highlight of my holiday was getting a scooter for Christmas. We had a picnic on Christmas day. We had lots of fun at home with Mum and Dad and little sister. Ashley S

    1. A scooter! Wow that's awesome. Can you go fast on it yet? Where was your picnic on Christmas Day?

    2. Yes,i can go fast with it. It's lot of fun. I tried to race Daddy who is running but he catches up to me. Our picnic was at Cornwall park. There were lots of noisy sheep going baa baa baa.
