Monday, April 23, 2012

Light Up!

Have a look at this website to learn about simple circuits.  
This is another website for making circuits.  You need to read the instructions at the top of the blue/green box and drag things from the bottom onto the circuit board.
How did you get on?  Are you an expert?  
Don't forget to write your name!

Monday, April 16, 2012


Have you been doing anything really exciting for the holidays?
I have just been sleeping in, catching up with friends and family and reading lots of books!  
I have also bought myself a new bike.  It goes really fast!  
Let me know what you have been up to.  
Don't forget to write your name!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Favourite Books

What book are reading at the moment?  
What is your favourite book?
(Don't forget to put your name!)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Ronald McDonald

What were some of the rules Ronald McDonald told us about?
What did you like the most about his show?
Did you learn something new?
Don't forget to put your name.