Monday, April 16, 2012


Have you been doing anything really exciting for the holidays?
I have just been sleeping in, catching up with friends and family and reading lots of books!  
I have also bought myself a new bike.  It goes really fast!  
Let me know what you have been up to.  
Don't forget to write your name!


  1. I'm having a great holiday! We went to beach and had ice cream and long walks near the water. We went to the Easter show and we watched the Wot Wots and Looney Tunes on stage. My favourite was the Wot Wots because I have watched it on TV. We went on the merry go 'round ride and played the clown game and we won a prize. We fed sheep, goats and a little horse and saw an angry pig that was sleeping. There were very big bulls and cute piglets and we held some little chicks.
    We had an Easter egg hunt on Sunday and it was so much fun that we forgot all about my swimming lesson.
    We went to Auckland Art Gallery and we had to draw people with crazy colours. It was lots of fun. We went to the big Auckland library and got lots of books for me to read.
    We are doing more fun things this week!
    Ashley S

    1. Wow! What a great holiday. How do you know it was an angry pig if it was sleeping?

    2. There was a sign near the pig that saids 'Do not wake the angry pig'. In the last few days, we went to an orchard and picked lots of apples and we had lots of fun.

      Ashley S

  2. Yesterday we went to the museum on Thursday me and my nana are going to mini golf I have been scootering a lot. by Ashley B

  3. What did you enjoy seeing at the museum?

    1. We hardley saw eneything because Mum's car radiator broke and was bursting out with green stuff. But we saw the dinosaurs skeletons they were super cool!!! By Ash B

  4. I love reading book's too i'm teaching my cousen to read he lazy all the time at home.

  5. On sunday we went Ralnbow Ene we went on pirate Ship tow time.
    We went home and went th slppy!!
    By Jius.

  6. We started the holidays with Easter and we went to my Nana and Grandad's house to stay. On Saturday we had pizza and burgers for dinner (my favourite! Yum. Yum.) We had a Easter hunt on Sunday, my cousin Sophie who is 1 year old joined us. We had to show her what to do, because it was her first Easter hunt.
    During the holidays I have been to a birthday party. I have also had a friend over to play. I went to see The Lorax at the movies. We have been playing lots of board games and my Dad has taken us to the scooter park. On Friday we cooked outside on the gas cooker. We had sausages. I am looking forward to going to school next week because I miss learning. By Jacob

  7. I invited my friends to my 7th birthday party.
    We enjoyed playing mini golf, playing games and Nintendo Wii.
    I got lots of good presents and I felt so good. We all had fun and joyful time.
    My mum and dad, me went to Muriwai Beach last Saturday. I saw so many sea gulls on the big rocks. I saw really beautiful sunset there, too.
    Last week, I joined the workshoh of the "Outer Space" at Artz on Show from Monday
    to Friday. I learned dance, jazz, vocal and arts. I met many children there. They went to different schools and they were different age groups. It was really exciting and amusing.
    I invited my parents to the "Outer Space" on last Friday. Mum and dad were so surprised and praised me for my show.
    This holiday was so wonderful and awesome!!!
    by Andrew

  8. In the holidays I had to go to a holiday programme, so on the first day I went ice skating.It was so fun but I fell on my wrist so I went to a leader and got some ice on it.The next day YMCA went to action world.It is so awesome because there are a lot of rides.The day after that we were also at holiday programme and this time we were going to the pools and those pools had one cold pool and one hot pool. After everyone was telling us to go on the really scary , big slide but I got really scared because some people were saying that a boy got heaps of cuts. On the 21st of April it was my sister's birthday, so some of Mackenzies friends came over and we drove to girly girls.I made two lip gloss's. One was dark pink and the other was blue. Their was no dark or light blue, then we went to school and I said,"I had a great holiday".

    By Brie

  9. in the holidays i went to my grandparents house for a sleepover with ivan.We went to tree adventures and saw
    mrs hohaia.and then we watched mirror mirror.

