Monday, April 2, 2012

Ronald McDonald

What were some of the rules Ronald McDonald told us about?
What did you like the most about his show?
Did you learn something new?
Don't forget to put your name.


  1. When you come to a road you must stop. Look. And listen. The best thing was when he put up the poles it was funny because they cept falling down .I learnt to look right again By Ashley B

  2. With ronild mcdonild I learned about sneaky driveways.When you see a sneaky need to stop look and listen. We also learned about crossing roads you need to stop look and listen as well. I liked when he screamed at the start when he saw us. by Thomas

  3. When you see a road you must allways remember to STOP,LOOK and LISTEN.Kids you must remember every time your in the car, you have to buckl up cwik. I think my favrit part was when he bent down and we saw his bottom.By Jacob MAKE IT CLICK!!

    1. When we see the road we must stop look and hod MUM and DAD!!!!!!!!!
      By Jisu.

  4. We do not run across the road because cars might not be able to stop in time and crash into you. In the car, you always have to put on your seatbelt because when the car stops you might hit something hard in the car. The show was funny when he couldn't find his socks.
    Ashley S
