Sunday, May 6, 2012

Music Fun

What is happening here?  It looks like far too much fun!


  1. We were copying off a book that Mrs Hohaia read to us. I forgot what it was called but it was about a man that loved eating and he got fatter and fatter and his wife said you have to exercise and stop eating junk food! She caught him still eating junk food and hiding food in places. It was fun. By Jacob

  2. We don`t eat fat food and RUN!and jump!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Mrs Hohaia read us a story, and she told us to do some facts. There were three photos from my group and in my group there was Ashley B, Monica, Jacob and myself. We were doing some actions on the story. We had lots of fun.
    Ashley S

  4. We were acting from a book mrs Hohaia read us.Anna Brie Kim and I were in a group together.She also told us some facts.We did some funny acttions and had lots of fun.

  5. Mrs Hohaia read us a story it was about a fat man. We went in groups of four and made up three pictures into a scene in my group there were Ash S,Jacob,Monica and I. We had a great day By ASHLEY B

  6. Mrs Hohaia read us a story about a fat guy and a lighthouse.
    My group were Yun-Ha, Max, Thomas and me. We acted as that story and I had lots of fun. l leant that fastfood and chocolate were not good for health.
    by Andrew

  7. Mrs Hohaia read us a story and it was about a fat persen. It was about a lighthouse as well. We went in groups of four and my group was Max, Yun Ha, Andrew and me.

  8. Wow, this looked like something incredibly FUN to do! :)
    (Wendy - Keeara's mum)

  9. Mrs.Hohaia read us a story. In my group there were Jisu, Alice, Keeara and me.
    We did some actions and we had lots of fun. By Zion

  10. Mrs Hohaia read us a story.Then we got to make actions in groups.My group was Jisu,Keeara and Zion.We had lots of fun.By Alice

  11. We have been copying off a book that Mrs Hohaia read to us.I forgot what it was called but it was about a man loved eating and he got fatter and fatter. His wife said you have to exercise and stop eating junk food! She caught him still eating junk food and hiding food in places. It was so much fun! by Keeara

  12. My group is Ashton, Taewoo and Vladimir.
    By Joshua
