Sunday, May 20, 2012



Did you enjoy your tennis lessons with Vicki?
What was the best part?
How could the lessons be made even better?
Don't forget to put your name!


  1. Yes.My best part was when I got to throw the ball over the net with wracket.By Alice.

  2. Yes. My best part was when I got to serve to my partner. By Zion

    1. Yes my best part was passing the ball to a people.
      Did more lessons with Vicki.
      By Jisu.

  3. Yes. I loved playing tennis with Viki. I liked it in the hall because it was better then outside
    By Vladimir

  4. YES!
    I loved it.
    The best session was the last one because it was intresting .

    BY Ashley B

  5. Yes. I like catching,throwing and hitting
    BY Andrew

  6. I loved it when we were doing tennis. My best part was when we were playing Zombie, I had to go there all the time because I was not quite good. To make the lessons even better, we could play lots of cool games.
    Ashley S

  7. I liked doing lesons with Vikey. My favorite part was the last leson because we could play games. By Jacob

  8. YES! My best part was when we played zombie.I had to go to the other side all the time because I am not that good.To make it even better I think that we should play lots of cool games. by Keeara

  9. It was fantastic.My best part was when we played Zombies.On 1 of the Zombie games I had to go to the dark side but on the 2 game of zombies i stayed on the good side.I was relly good at it.To make it even better i think we shoud of played more cool games but it was relly fun any way.By Brie.
