Monday, August 13, 2012

The Olympics

What was your highlight and why?

My highlight would have to be Mahe Drysdale winning gold because I remember him winning bronze in Beijing after suffering from a vomiting bug.  To still win a bronze medal after being really sick (he even vomited at the end of the race) showed me how super talented Mahe is.  So for him to win gold in London was well deserved - AWESOME!  Well done Mahe!


  1. My favourite parts of the olympic games were swimming,running,long jump and the throwing the big and heavy balls and throwing and hamer. they were very heavy.

  2. My favorite thing about the Olympics was watching Mahe Drysdale win the gold medal in rowing. I also like watching the swimming if NZL were in the race. By Jacob

  3. My favorite part was korean poepel got a silver medal from swimming.
    By Jisu
