Monday, August 20, 2012

The Pinehill Way

What is The Pinehill Way?
What does it mean to you?
How do you use it at Pinehill School?
Do we need to use it in the classroom? Why?
Don't forget to put your name!


  1. The Pinehill way is a rule to pinehill. It means that you have to be nice to each other.We need to use it in our classroom because a lot of people are silly in our class Yun Ha

  2. In Pinehill have a rule to come.Be nice to everyone is in pinehill.Yes we do use it in the class becausewe need to do the rule.It make you feel good and lot fo friendis happy too.
    By Jisu.

  3. I always use The Pinehill Way. I like it when the children help me when I am lonely. I really like it when the children are quiet in the classroom when Mrs Chambers isn't in there. Yun-Ha is very good at doing the right thing when Mrs Chambers isn't in the classroom. The Pinehill Way is awesome! I think Room 19 is almost the best class at using the Pinehill Way. Do you know what you have to do to be THE BEST?

  4. Pinehill Way is sharing,put your hand up if you got something to say,help each other and caring. We also need to use the pinehill way in the classroom.By Alice

  5. the pinehill way is not doing bad things but doing good things.
    the pinehill way also means trying your best in the classroom
    at all times.

    by thomas

  6. The pinehill way is where people care and share
    I think the pinehill way means to me you are nise to everyone
    Ashley s

  7. The pinehill way is when people share,care,make new friends,be nice to people,walking on the red bricks,wait until someone is finished and then talk and respect the teacher.
    This is one of the schools rules.
    I think the pinehill way is the best thing for people who are mean to other people.
    We need to use it in the classroom because then people will focus on there work.
    It's a great thing to me because people never be mean to me a lot of the time
    By Ashley b

  8. In Pinehill we use Pinehill Way.
    It means like you never do bad word,silly behavior and mean to other people.
    Its great to have Pinehill Way because it is not to going rude person.


  9. The pinehill way is you have to respect other people and be kind and use your pinehill way manners. I use it with the teachers, my friends and Mr LeSueur. Yes we do need to use it in the classroom because we need to respect our teachers and friends. By Keeara
