Monday, September 17, 2012


How did you go?  
What was your topic?
Did you enjoy sharing your speech?  
What was the best part?  What was the hard part?
Don't forget to put your name!


  1. My speech was about Invercargill. It was so fun doing my speech infront of the class plus room 20. Mine must have been really good because I got into the finals! But I didn't come 1st, 2nd or 3rd. But I don't care because I already got into the finals so thats awesome. The hardest part would probably have been typing it because mine was so long! The bestest bit was learning it off by heart because it was so fun listning to the other speech's. By Keeara

  2. When it was the speech semi finals I really wanted to get to the top three I tried the best I could ever do to try and have expression and to be loud so the whole class could her me and some gestures. My topic was toddlers I chose it because I have a toddler at home my brother Jake of course. I wanted to share my speech with everyone because I thought they would be very excited in listening to it. The best part was when I said my speech and I was on my last sentence when I hooked everybody to my speech it was amazing. The hardest part was when I had to wrote it. By Ash B

  3. I went pretty good because I got in the top seven.My topic was about cool cats.Yes! I did enjoy sharing my speech in front of the whole class.The best part was saying it because I was not nervous I was exited.My hard part was writing it.
    By Sarah

    1. I spik laod at my speeches. My topic is about Korea. Yes I enjoy sharing my speech. My best part is read speech and hard part is writing.

      By Zion

  4. My speech was about Sharks. I went well but I was a little nervous. I was enjoying sharing my speech but not to much. I made some mistakes thats why I didn't enjoy sharing my speech much. The best part was when I was talking about the gills and the hardest part was when I was talking about the top of the shark. Yun Ha

  5. I go bad because it was so had to look at the class.My topic is about dogs.Yes I enjoy it.My best part was when everyone looked at me.My hard part was when I look at my topic.
    By Jisu

  6. I spoked loud so people can hear. My topic was about New Zealand.Yes! I did enjoy sharing my speech but I was little bit nervous. The best part was when I did my actions. My hard part was writing my speech.
    By Alice

  7. I went really well because I got into the top three and perform in the real speech finals. My topic was about cats.I enjoyed sharing my speech but at the same time I was nervous. The best part was finding out that I made it into the speech finals.The hard part was putting m speech together.

    By Anna

  8. My speech is about lions. I felt tiny bit nervous because I just lost at first because I didn't practise. My favorite part was everyone claped at me.
    By andrew

  9. Hey Room 19, this is Mrs Moore - your judge. You guys did an awesome job of your speeches. Believe me it was very hard to choose. You all had great topics and they were interesting to listen to. Thank you for NOT over acting your speeches!!!!!
    As for you people who didn't make the final. I bet you were awesome... but as you know only 3 get to go forward. Next year try again - 2013 could be your year!
