Monday, October 15, 2012

Polar Bear Enclosures

What do you think about these two enclosures?  
How are they different?  
How are they the same?  
What have the zoos done differently?
Which enclosure would you like to be in if you were a polar bear?


  1. One of the enclosures has conkreet and water but the ather enclosure has water,rocks and little caves for the polar bears to go in side. I think the polar bears like the one with the water, rocks and caves because it looks like the wild. By Jacob

  2. because the first and secon one is like it,s real home because it has rocks the space to walk around.The othe one has just cancreate and water.

  3. Because the first two enclosures have rocks and plants and it looked like their home.The othe picture just has cancrete and water.

  4. The first one just has concrete and black water but the other one has lots of blue water which the polar bears like and they have some rocks for them to rest on and lie in the sun.It also has little caves for them to sleep in.By Keeara

  5. The enclosure is concert and has dirty water and is not there natural habitat.
    And the other enclosure has snow clean water rocks and looks like there natural habitat.
    BY MAX

  6. the enclsures look very awesome because it looks like their natural habitat.One of them had concrete and polar bears do not have concrete in their habitat.The other one had rocks and water which made it look like the habitat.The same parts of the habitat is the water but not the concrete the first one made them happy and the last picture looked like they were not happy.I would like to be in the 2 & 1 picture.
    By Sarah

  7. the polar bear enclosure is awesome. one of them have no water and the other one also looks like their natral habitat. they both have good viewing platform.One of the zoos have keeped their animal nice and happy and one made it look like their natral habitat.I woud like to be in the one that first picture

    by anna

  8. I think the last one is a really bad enclosure because I think it will put the polar bears in danger.
    The first one would be a really good enclosure because it has heaps of water for the polar bears to swim in.
    They are different because the first one has water and the other one didn't have any water.
    They are the same because they both have viewing platforms.
    The first zoo has thought about how to build the enclosure and how to make it a great home for the animal.
    The second zoo hasn't really thought about how the animal needs it to keep them alive.
    I would choose the first one because it would be a great home for me and the best bit was I would enjoy it.
    By Ashley B

  9. The polar was not different because they do every thing the same and they look the same. If I was the polar bear I would love the Aukland zoo encloure.
    By Joshua
