Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Auckland Zoo Visit

WOW! What a cool day at the zoo we had.  Check out these videos of us touching the giant skink.  Not many classes get the privilege of being able to do this.  
How did it feel?  
Was it out of your 'comfort zone'?
Don't forget your name.


  1. I felt very exited when it was Tuesday.It was out of my comfort zone, really out.

  2. It was very smooth and scally. It`s scales were mollting wich means that it`s scalls were coming off. I was not scared of the giant skink. By Jacob

  3. Tuesday was amazing! The giant skink was really scally and no scales were coming off on my fingers.I didn't feel outside of my comfort zone.By Keeara

  4. It was a really awesome day.Mrs Chambers you are the best.
    The skink felt really nice even though it was multing.

    by Anna

  5. When it was my turn to touch the giant skink, I felt little bit scared. By Alice

  6. I thought it was amazing! I thought its scales was going to stick on my finger but there was no scales that fell off. I didn't feel outside of my comfort zone.By Yun Ha

  7. I was so happy and excited because we were going to the zoo on Tuesday. I felt really nervous about touching the giant skink but it was really awesome and fun. It was deafntly out of my comfort zone.

  8. I felt really scared but when I touch it was smooth
    By Zion

  9. On Tuesday we went to the Zoo.
    We felt very bumpy and scally.
    We was not scared of the giant skink.
    By Ash S and Jisu

  10. It felt a little bit soft.
    I didn't feel my comfort zone

  11. The skink felt yak! Way did I say yes to tack the skink ?

  12. On Tuesday we touched giant skink and the giant skink's scale is falling and it feels smooth.

    By Andrew

  13. we got to feel the giant skink and it falt weid by Ashton.

  14. WoW I love the zoo!, touching the giant scink was awsome. When I got to touch the skink it falt way diffrent than I thort it wood be because the skaily skails were comeing of and I did not no that it wood happen. by Thomas

  15. I LOVED the zoo trip.My favourite part was when we were in the class room because we got to learn things that we did not know before.I think It felt qwite rouge.When you felt it the scales were coming off.It was called molting.You had to use 2 fingres and you had to pat it between his frout legs and his back legs.
