Friday, February 17, 2012

Senses Poems

The most beautiful beach in the world - Uretiti
I really enjoyed reading your senses poems this week.  
Write one to share about 'The Beach'.  
Think about sounds, sights, smells, tastes and things you feel or can feel at the beach.
I see...
I smell...
I taste...
I hear...
I feel...
Remember to describe what you can sense e.g. I can hear the waves crashing loudly on the white sandy beach.
Put your name at the end.


  1. I see noisy seagulls zooming past.I hear kids playing in the sand.I smell fish and chips that mum and dad have got me. I feel the super cold water in the sea.I taste yummy dinner in the basket. By. Ashley B

    1. Ashley B, what a neat poem. I love the line "I see noisy seagulls zooming past". This happens a lot when we eat our yummy fish and chips at the beach!

  2. I see waves coming on to the sand and people on the boats in the water. There are people swimming at the beach.
    I smell sea water and the sunblock that I've put on.
    I taste the salty water and little bits of sand in my mouth.
    I hear loud voices coming from people nearby and lots of seagulls screaming.
    I feel tickly sand under my toes and the hard shells on the beach hurts my feet.
    Ashley S

    1. Ashley S, I love this poem. I really like the line "I taste the salty water and little bits of sand in my mouth". I know what that is like. This happens when the waves are really strong and they throw me to the ground!

  3. I went to the beach with mum and dad yesterday.....

    I saw some people swimming and enjoying sunbath, flying seagulls and a man fishing at the beach.
    I smelled the BBQ through the wind and fragrant coffee of mun and dad.
    I tasted salt sea and some sweet and sour orange juice.
    I heard the sing of seagulls and noisy sound of jet boats.
    And I heard the chatter of some people and the wave crashing, too.
    I felt the sea water was not too cold but the sunshine at the beach was too hot.
    I feel playing at the beach is always fun.
    by Andrew Park

    1. Andrew wrote this at Feb 19, 2012 7:52PM.
      I wonder why the time is incorrect?
      I can see Feb 18, 2012 10:52 PM.....???

    2. Hi, I'm not sure why that is happening. The settings on the blog are correct.... A mystery!

    3. Andrew, what a cool poem. I feel like I am there at the beach. I like the line "I heard the chatter of some people and the waves crashing too".

  4. I see people playing in the cold wet sea.
    I feel wet warm water between my feet.
    I taste hot fish and chips.
    I smell Dad's smelly bait.
    I hear people talking and people playing.

    by Thomas.

    1. Thomas, I almost gagged when I read your line "I smell Dad's smelly bait"! EEewwww bait stinks doesn't it?

  5. I see people playing and laughing in the cold salty water.
    I felt hungry for my picnic lunch and hot from the beaming sun.
    I taste my yummy warm pizza bun.
    I smell salt and people's freshly applied sunscreen.
    I hear waves rolling in and seagulls squawking for my pizza bun!!
    by Keeara

  6. Keeara, I really like the way you worded your smell line - "I smell salt and people's freshly applied sunscreen". Really important message too. We must reapply sunscreen when we are out in the sunshine. Well done.

  7. I see the waves crashing into the rocks.
    I smell a picnic lunch.
    I taste the salty sea water.
    I hear the seagulls screeching.
    I feel the hot sand on my feet.

    By Jacob Chatterton

  8. Jacob, I wonder how you were moving with the feel of the hot sand on your feet?!

    1. I was moving very quickly!!!!!Hot, hot, hot!!!!! By Jacob

  9. I really like sumdog because I am a narwhale.Also because I like the games.My favorite game is tower climber because if you get to the top you win.

  10. I like sumdog because I am very good at it. I am a comanchimpansy. Junk pile

    by Jacob C
