Thursday, February 23, 2012


What do you like the most about Sumdog? 
What level are you? 
What is your favourite game to play?  
Remember to use the word because and to write your name at the end.

Click on the link to check out the different levels


  1. The best thing I like about Sumdog is that I learn lots of maths skills.
    I am at level Harpy Eagle at the moment, but I hope to move up to the next one before it finishes!
    My favourite game to play is "Dress Down" because it is fun putting the clothes on the bodies and seeing who can look the coolest and not so cool! Also because I learn lots of my maths sums.
    by Keeara

    1. Great review, Keeara. You have done really well to get to Harpy Eagle already. I have added a link above to click on. This will take you to all of the animals. Your next one is Polar Bear.

  2. my best game was junk pile because it had a lot of cool junk I just leveled up to a polar bear! I also loved pop tune. by Yun Ha

  3. Hi Yun Ha, Great, you are a Polar Bear! Your next animal is the Indian Elephant. I wonder if you'll get to it by Monday?

  4. I like Sumdog because I get to learn more maths and times table and division is a bit tricky but I'm getting more right.
    My level is Narwhal and I like Junk pile because you need skills to stack it up with it falling over and the tyres and toilet makes it fall down a lot.
    Ashley S

    1. Hi Ashley S, I love the fact that you are trying really hard with your division and that you are getting more and more right. Division is really tricky, so it is ok if you find it hard. We'll be working on that next term. What is your next level? You will have to show me Junk Pile next time you play it. It sounds a lot of fun!

  5. I like sumdog because you can learn maths and play maths games.By Jisu

  6. I really like Sumdog because it makes me practise my maths. I am a brown rat because I have only just started. I really like playing Junk Pile because it has great pictures.

  7. The thing I like best about sumdog is that they make the maths into a maths game.I am a common chimpanzee level 2.My favorite game to play is dress down because you can dress them.By Ashley B

    1. I think you could go up a couple of levels really quickly!

  8. I like sumdog because I learn my maths.I am at level harpy egel.My favourite game to play is dress Keeara Mawson

  9. I like to play sumdog because it is fun. I am a Indint eleghent. My faver it game is pop turn.
    By Joshua Y

  10. I like sumdog because there is lots fun math games.I am a Harpy Eggle. My favorite game is dress down because we can dress the people.By Alice

  11. I like sumdog because I learn mathes. I am a Polar Bear because I play sumdog. My favourite game is Junk Pile.
    By Monica

  12. I like sumdog because its helps me with my maths

    from kim

    1. It does help you with your maths, Kim. What level are you on?

  13. I like sumdog because it makes me smart.I am on the harpy egle. My favorite game is Junk Pile.


  14. The most thing i like about sumdog is the bright colourfull pichours.I am a Narwhal.My favourite game is junk pile because it is halping me lean my maths while I am playing.
    by Brie Cooper.

  15. I like sumdog because I can learn. I am a narwhal level 3 .I like street racer because it is awesome

    1. Street Racer sounds pretty cool. Do you get to go fast?

  16. I really like sumdog because it helps me remember my basic facts.I am a common chimpanzee.My favourite game is dress down beacuse I love things that you need to vote on and dress down is a game you need to vote on.
    By Anna.

    1. Wow! A great response, Anna. Voting in a game must be cool. Do you always get what you vote for?

  17. I have two user names for Sumdog because my Mum set me up one last year. On my school user name I am a Chimpanzee but on my home one I am a Narwhal. I like Sumdog because it is fun. My favourite game is the Junk Pile but I also like Endandgered. By Jacob

  18. Gosh two accounts! You must love Sumdog! What is the Endangered game about? I haven't heard of that one.

  19. I really like Sumdog because it is very fun and excited.
    My animal rank is Harhy Eagle and my favorite game is Junk Pile.
    I`d like to do it hard to be a Polar Bear.
    by Andrew

  20. How many levels do you need to go up to get to Polar Bear?
