Friday, March 23, 2012


We have been learning about Diwali.  
What facts did you learn?  
How does it compare to your celebrations for the New Year?
What special celebrations do you have in your family?  Can you tell us a bit about it?

If you'd like to print off some more Rongoli patterns at home, click on these links.


  1. The facts I learnt about Diwali are the 1st day they make barfi the next day they go to Indian school to hear the story about ram and his wife Sita the 3rd day is dawali fireworks are going off next is new years day they. Do a good dance on stage the last day is brothers and sisters day they give each other gifts. New year is the same as you .We only celebrate Easter birthdays Halloween and cristmas

    1. Great facts. Well done remembering. Reply to this and tell us your name!

  2. The Indian festival of lights is called Diwali. There are lots of celebrations over a few days and they make barfi, rangoli patterns, story telling and fireworks.
    I celebrate Chinese New Year with my family. We have a big yummy feast on New Years Eve and the next day, we get to wear new clothes and we get red envelopes with money in it called 'lai see' or 'ang pow'. My Mum puts the money into my bank account. We celebrate other Kiwi style days like Easter with an Easter egg hunt.
    Ashley S

  3. What great explanation Ashley. I like the sound of your Chinese New Year from the feast to the envelopes! Do adults get 'lai see' as well?

    1. Yes,the oldest generation gives them to all their younger family members. So my grandparents will give it to my Mum and Dad and to us. My parents will give it to us but not back to my grandparents. As the youngest, I get it from lots of people like my Grandparents, Mum and Dad and Uncles and Aunties. I like Chinese New Year!
      Ashley S

  4. I have learnt about Rangoli patterns. They are used for greeting people. Diwali is the Indian New Year Celebration. It lasts for five days where as our New Year Celebration is for one night. Sometimes we go fishing on New Years Day so we don't stay up to welcome the New Year in because we get up early. We don't really have any special celebrations other than birthdays, Christmas and Easter. We always get together with family to celebrate these occasions. For Easter we hunt for Easter Eggs. For Christmas we give presents and for birthdays we give the birthday person a presents we always have a special cake.
    By Jacob

  5. Jacob, what a fabulous answer. I might come to your house at Easter time and help you hunt for Easter eggs ;-)

  6. At the first day Diwali make Rangoli patterns. At the New years day Diwali go to Indian school. At the last day Diwali Dance in the stage and the brothers and sisters day. Diwali take a chart off. By Jisu.

  7. I have learned that Diwali is the indian fesiaval of lights. It is held in late October and early November. In our family we on Easter my mum & dad hide tiny Easter eggs & my brother & I have a search for the eggs. Well my mum & dad hide tiny Easter eggs my grandma brother my dog & I go or a walk around the block. I all most fogot to say for new years day we light fire works.

    By Anna

  8. I leant about Diwali and Rangoli patterns last week.
    'Diwali' is the favorite festival of Indians to celebrate the New Year.
    Homes are decorated with sweets and thousands of lamps.
    Rangolis are drawn with different bright colored powder to welcome guest and are the symbols of good luck.
    I have been in New Zealand for five months and celebrated the New Year only once here.
    So I didn`t know well about the special celebrations of kiwi people for the New Year.
    When I was in Korea, all the family gathered together in one house, enjoyed traditional games and ate the special food in the New Year.
    I would like to know more special celebrations in New Zealand.

  9. I`m sorry, I forgot to write my name.
    by Andrew

  10. I learnt that it has to be symmetrical on each side because then it would look funny.We don't do much for New Year's day. We celebrate christmas with our family and have presents and lots of yummy food. Birthdays are celebrated with presents, a special dinner and, of course a cake! At Easter my mum and dad hide small easter eggs for me to find. By Keeara.

  11. In Indina they celebrate New Years day for five days. We only celebrate New Years
    day for one night. On Easter we go to church. We get an Easter Bunny and we have
    a treauser hunt of chocolate.

    By Monica

  12. In Indina they celebrate New Years day for fve days. We only celebrate New Years
    day for one night.. We get a Easter On Easter we go to church. We get a Easter
    Bunny and we have a treause hunt of choclate.

    By Monica

  13. hi mrs chambers I remember how we did flat stanlys I gave mine to my mum and my dad. My favorite book at the moment is "matilda" I really enjoy roal dahl books like "danny the chapion of the world" and "the twits". hope your happy by E-dog (Emily)
