Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Making a Jam Sandwich

We were learning how to follow instructions. 
We swapped books and followed our buddy's instructions. 
How did your buddy go writing their instructions. Were they clear and specific?


  1. 1.spread jam on the bread.
    2.put the bread together.

    By Zion

  2. My buddy was Monica and her instructions were clear. I'd love to make jam sandwich again.
    Ashley S

  3. My buddy was AshleyB and instructions were clear.It was really delicous.By Alice

  4. My buddy was Sarah and her instructions were great. I had to get a piece of bread and jam and spread the jam on top of the bread then put another peice of bread on top. Yum, yum! By Jacob

  5. My buddy was Thomas.Their was a little mix up because when Thomas was writing he thought that we were going to use 2 pieces of bread but we were using 1 piece.He was not that pacific and I think he could be a bit more pacific.By Brie

  6. My buddy was Ashely S. Her instructions were perfect. I had to get a piece of bread and jam and speard the jam on the bread. It tasted delicious. By Monica

  7. My buddy was Andrew. When I made the jam sandwich using his intructions they were clear. I had a feeling his intructions was clear. I got confused when you had to cut it in half because I normaly don't cut it in half. Yun Ha

  8. My buddy was Zion. We made a jam sandwich and we look at the intructions and we put the jam in it.We got one bread and we eat it. By Jisu.

  9. My buddy was Alice and her instructions were really clear
    It was hard to spread the jam because the bread kept ripping
    By Ash B

  10. Anna was my buddy for the jam sandwich and anna intructions were grate.Anna said my intructions were grate. kim
