Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Swimming #Lesson 2

We travelled to Hilton Brown Swimming Centre today for our second lesson.  You have all improved so much already.
What do you need to work on next week?
What did you enjoy doing this week?


  1. Next week i need to try and go under the water for longer.
    I liked it when we played find the fish
    By Ashley B

  2. Next week I need work on doing my backstroke.I liked it when the teacher throwed me in the water before I go out of the water.By Alice

  3. Next week I need to remember to do bigger and stronger kicks. This week I enjoyed swimming with my friends and a game at the end. It was great. By Jacob

  4. I have to work on moving arms
    and it was also my best part

    By Zion

  5. I have to work on twisting my body. I really enjoyed when we got to cannonbolt into the water. I love swimming! By Keeara

  6. I did freestyle and frog swimming and I love love swimming!!
    Today I went to swimming class and I enjoyed it!
    By Jisu.
