Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Our First Swimming Session on PhotoPeach

We had our first swimming lesson at Hilton Brown today.
What was your most challenging moment?
What do you need to work on next week?
Don't forget to put your name!


  1. It was at my normal swimming. I need to work arm circles and breathing. The challenging moment was remembering my medicine.
    By Thomas

  2. The challenging part was when I had to do my arm circles, and I don't know when I am at the rope. Next week I have to try and not to stand up to take a breath.
    Ashley S

  3. My most challenging part was when we had to swim on our backs. I need to work on next week is not to stand up untill I reach the end of the lane

    By Monica

  4. In Tuesday we had the swimming and it was so fun.
    By Jisu.

  5. My most challenging part was when we had to swim on our backs.I need work on not talking over the teacher. Yun Ha

  6. I need to work on brething under watr and potting my whole body under.
    BY Ashton

  7. It was too easy for me. It was fun.
    by taewoo

  8. My most challenging moment was when I had to do 2 lengths in a row.what I need to work on next time isholding my breath longer.
    By Sarah

  9. On Tuesday our class went to swimming and we all had lots of fun.By Alice

  10. My most challenging momment was swimming with arm circle during free style. I felt much faster than before.
    By Andrew

  11. My most challenging momment was my freestyll and twisting my body. I would work on twisting my body. I felt much faster than before.
