Monday, March 5, 2012

Rothesay Bay

Our Rothesay Bay beach trip was fabulous.  
Great weather, super parent helpers & fantastic kids!  
What did you enjoy the most?  Why?  
Is there anything you would change if we went there again?
Don't forget to write your name at the end. 

Waiting for everyone to arrive from school.  Raincoats on just incase!
What lies within the dark, spooky cave?
Making our way along the waterfront towards Murrays Bay
Time for some morning tea
And some 'chit chat'
Looks yummy!
Field games
Our time on the playground 
Celene teaching us how to make a flower out of flax
The finished product
Picnic lunch with the girls
Time to play naughts and crosses
A butterfly sculpture
A kingdom perfect for Mrs Chambers
This one even has a moat!


  1. I enjoyed most making sand sculptures and the flax ball. And having a swim.
    By Thomas

    Thank you for a great day, I loved meeting everyone and it was fabulous to be with so many other parents - a great way to meet Pinehill people. I enjoyed playing cricket with Alice, Adam and Yun-Ha. Please Mrs Chambers, next year could you change the temperature of the seawater (to make it a little warmer).
    Celena (Thomas' Mum)

    1. Thomas, the flax ball was amazing! You have a very clever mum.

      Celena, I will work on the water temperature. It was certainly a lot warmer than the swim I had in January when I was camping with my gumboots!!

  2. I enjoyed making the sand sculptures because you could make sand castles, seagulls, and others. Swimming was great and refreshing. I will miss this moment.

    By Adam

    I had a great time and enjoyed talking and knowing other mums. Thanks for the great day at Rothesay Bay.

    By Adam's Mum

  3. Adam, It was great seeing the different sand castles being built. Do you have beaches near where you will be living in Malaysia?

  4. What a fantastic trip. Was great to see the different dynamics with the kids. Water a little cold for my liking but I probably need to harden up. Mrs Chambers definitely makes a good leader. No trouble when she is around. Ashley b mum Sarah

  5. I like it when we built sculptures together with Sarah, Mrs Issac, Ashley B, Alice, Zion, Keera, Jahnvi and Catrina. Mrs Chambers judged who was the winner and our butterfly came first!

    If we went there again, I would like to have a longer swim and maybe go deeper and dive a bit with goggles.
    Ashley S

    1. That's a great suggestion Ashley. You should have asked and we could have gone out a bit deeper! Next time you go to the beach with Mum or Dad get them to take you out deep with your goggles on!

  6. It was a great trip and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Great chance to catch up with other Mums and to have time to enjoy a picnic by the sea. The walk was invigorating with great scenery even though I had to clamber rather clumsily over the large drain before heading up the hill!
    It was definitely too cold for swimming but I'm sure the kids didn't mind at all. Ashley was the colour of Smurfs when she came out and insisted that she wasn't too cold. Next time, perhaps we can order sunshine with a balmy breeze with a temperature of 25 degree???
    Christina - Ashley S's Mum

  7. I liked building the sand castles. My favourite one was the one Max and I built, because it had a moat and a wall around it. I did not like the big walk because it was so hard and hot, but I did find lots of pretty shells.If I went again I would change the big walk into a walk in the water and we would play running and tag games on the sand. By Jacob

    1. What a great response Jacob. I love the bush walk. I'd like to make it L O N G E R !!!
      I like the idea of tag games on the sand.

  8. I enjoyed playing at the playground with friends and swimming in the sea with Mrs. Chambers, friend and dad very much.
    by Andrew

    We were quiet pleased in this trip!!!
    We were also delighted with the cheerful expressions of all children and very glad to meet Andrew`s friends and their parents.
    Andrew`s dad said that swimming with children in the sea should be remembered for a long time.
    by Andrew`s mum & dad

    1. It was good fun swimming in the sea Andrew. It was only my 2nd swim for this year. Normally we swim twice a DAY! Not twice a summer......

  9. I enjoyed the beach trip at Rothesay bay.I most liked the sand scolpchers at the beach.
    By Vladimir

    1. Some of the sand sculptures were very clever. I think the mums and dads had fun building them too!

  10. At Rothesay Bay I most enjoyed playing tea ball and
    soccor.I played tea ball with Sarah and Brie.I loved going to Rothesay Bay.

    "Mrs Chambers is AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!"

    By Anna C.

    1. I'm really pleased to hear that you enjoyed Rothesay Bay. Playing T-ball is great fun! I really enjoyed the walk, especially going through the bush.

  11. All in all a great day out :) Nice for a change of scenery for the kids being in the classroom (and for the parents who would usually be at home or in the office!) An excellent opportunity to mix with other parents too. Fabulous beach/bush walk - Mrs Chambers made a superb leader!! Even though the sun didn't shine much, everyone had a great time, with the swim and beach sculptures being the highlight for quite a few and it was still semi-tropical for me! :D
    Wendy - Keeara's Mum

  12. My favourite bit of the beach trip was swimming in the cold water. When I went into the cold water it was freezing, but then my body got warm. It was fun. Next time we go on a beach trip I would like to play a game of 'tag' and get picked!
    By Ashton

    1. Ashton, Did you really find the water cold? You are right though it did get warmer. I found it really cold when I got out of the water.

  13. At Rothesay Bay was first visited times.
    taewoo says it was a very enjoyable trip.
    Taken care of the safety of children and other parents want to thanks a teacher.
    buy sun - taewoo mum

    1. Sun, It was great that you could come and visit us at Rothesay Bay. I'm pleased Taewoo enjoyed it too. The children loved the juice that you gave them. Thank you.

  14. The swim was the best by Ashley b
