Sunday, March 11, 2012

Acceptable Behaviour

We have been discussing and working hard on what is acceptable and what is unacceptable behaviour.  We can easily name what is and what isn't.    
What are you good at?  What do you need to improve on?  This can be at school or at home or out and about in the community.
Don't forget to put your name at the end.


  1. I am good at being sensible and behaving myself I do the pinehill way walk the talk, being kind to my brother and lots of other things By Ashley B

  2. I am good at playing nicley with everybody.I need to
    improve on listening to my mum and dad at the mall.

    By Anna C.

  3. I am good at being nice to people. I need to improve on listing to my mum.

    By Monica

    1. I bet mum will be happy to hear that Monica. Good goal!

  4. I am good at keeping a promise with mum and dad.
    I need to improve on speaking English well and then I`d like to understand friends completely and make many good friends.
    by Andrew

    1. You are doing so well at learning English this year, Andrew. Keep trying hard.

  5. I am always doing my home work when my mum is telling me to do it.I listin to my mum when she sas no.

  6. I am good at being nice to people.I need to learn how to listen to my parents at the mall,going out,and at home.
    by Keeara

    1. I have seen that you are indeed nice to people Keeara. I'm impressed with your at home goal. Let me know how you get on.

  7. I am good at helping my family.I need to stop fighting with my big sister.
    by Sarah

    1. I'm sure that you are a great helper Sarah. Stop fighting with your sister is an important goal. It will make Mum very happy!

  8. I am good at playing nice with everyone and going to people to see if they are OK.I have to work on rembering that if someone is doing not the right thing walk away from them.I need to stop fighting with my sister.
    by Brie

    1. What fantastic goals Brie. I'm sure you could do both of them very easily!

  9. I am good at using the Pinehill Way and helping others. I need to work on being a good role model to my little brother Alex. By Jacob

    1. You are good at the Pinehill Way. What do you mean by being a good role model to your little brother?

  10. I am helpful and using the pinehill way.I need to work very neatly to my mum and dad.We are are a helpful family.By Adam

    1. I can see that you are very helpful Adam. It must be great being a helpful family! My family are terrible at helping me!!!! Perhaps I could suggest that they need a goal to be helpful?

  11. I am good at playing nicely with my friends and I go to look for them if I can't find them. I use good manners and I behave sensibly when I go out with my family. I need to improve my patience and not interrupt my Mummy and Daddy when they are talking to each other.
    Ashley S

    1. What a great friend you are Ashley. How are you going to be patient and not interrupt Mum and Dad? That will be very hard to do. Perhaps you could count in 2s and then in 5s while you wait?

  12. I can be sensible in the class room and play nicely wtith my friends and be nicely whith play with the kids. by Jisu.

    1. That's great Jisu. Do you need to improve anything?
