Thursday, March 15, 2012


Can you describe popcorn?  
How many adjectives can you use?  
How many different sentences can you make up?
Can you make them rhyme?
Don't forget to put your name.


  1. Popcorn popping in my machine scrummy big white things ready to eat . Don't touch really hot when it's cooled down we can chomp it down By Ashley B

    1. Oh popcorn poping in my machine scrummy big white things ready to eat. 1 2 3 pop! By Ashley B

  2. Popcorn is yummy to eat and it so dalicious. pop pop out came popcorn yummy yummy dalicious popcorn. By Jisu

  3. salty, yummy, crunchy,hot, delicious, buttery and slippery. By Ashton

  4. Pop pop popping corn, popping in the crazy popping machine. Crunchie popcorn in my hungry mouth, it's now soft and fluffy and I'm ready to pop some more more! One, two, three and more. Pop, pop, pop!
    Ashley S

  5. Popcorn in the machine. Bang, Bang, Bang. Popcorn is fluffly and soft.

    By Monica

  6. Popcorn!!!

    Mum and I pop the popcorn in the microwave oven.
    At first, I can hear sizzle,sizzle,sizzle in the thin and flat kernels bag.
    And then I can hear pop,pop,pop in the swelling bag.
    When I open the bag, I can feel hot air and smell fragrant, like sesames.
    I can taste delicious, soft, slight salty and yummy.
    I can see white dogs, white sheep, and white clouds in the popcorn.
    I like pop, pop, pop popcorn so much!!!
    by Andrew

  7. Can you hear the popcorn popping in the pan?
    It starts off in a little hard yellow ball.
    Then once you hear the POP it turns into a BIG white cloud.
    Sometimes you can dribble melted butter on it, or just eat it plain.
    You can have popcorn in your lunch or at home,
    My favourite place to eat popcorn is at the movies.
    By Jacob

  8. Well done you superstars! I love the rich language you are using. Keep up the good work :-)

  9. sometime yellow sometimes white always ready to bite bite bite bit,but never ready to fight fight fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By Anna.
