Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SAS - Sleepover At School

SAS is coming up soon.  What are your thoughts about SAS?
Any worries?
Any concerns?
What are you looking forward to the most?
Don't forget your name!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Marshmallow Structures - Our Second Attempt!

We had another go at making marshmallow structures.  We knew that our base had to be stronger.  This is what we did, how we did it and what we ended up with!
How did you find it the second time?  What did you do differently?  Don't forget your name!

This is our 2D flower
This is the marquee 
This is our tower
This is our tank with a target
This is our house with a door

Friday, November 18, 2011

Marshmallow Structures

We designed structures out of marshmallows, toothpicks and kebab sticks.  Here are some videos of what we managed to make and some reflection.  Comment on what you need to do to improve on Monday to make an even better structure!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Moment in Time

We are learning to write descriptively about 'a moment in time'.
Here is a sample of Room 19's fabulous writing.

War - By Maxwell

You’re in the war.

It is really scary.

Killing the first man in your life.

There’s nothing good about war.

All the soldiers fight for freedom.

They all want to go home.

No one likes war, not one bit.

I wish war does not happen again.

War is nothing but torture.
Relaxed - By Emily
Sitting at the table, door is open.
Sun shining pleasantly on my body.
Sweating like mad, getting on togs.
Cap on fast, squirt of sunblock.
Slap on goggles, wait ten minutes......
Jump in pool, splash around.
Swim some lengths, time to get out.
What a day!

Christmas - By Oliver
Wake up quickly, dressed slowly.
Check under the tree, full of colourful presents from Santa.
Wind's blowing bells, feeling the soft wind.
Colourful lights everywhere.
Candy canes hanging on houses, free gifts from friends.
Mum and dad wakes.
Time for breakfast, yummy treats to eat and drink. 
Decorating our house.
It's Christmas.

Christmas - By Amy
Tree stands there, beautifully coloured.
Look under the tree, presents sparkly wrapped.
Carelessly rip open presents with joy.
Presents are awesome, Santa is cool.
I dance, what loving presents.
Out for special Christmas dinner.
Scoff down food until I'm full.
I love Christmas

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Playground Gets New Bark

Our reading and Jolly Phonics was rudely interrupted..... 
Finish the sentence with some super adjectives to describe what happened.
Don't forget to write your name!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We Had Some Visitors!

Room 20 were creating masterpieces this morning from Liam's reflections of the Rugby World Cup and what he had observed at the games.  We were lucky to have them visit us and share their learning with Room 19.  Didn't they do well.  What did you enjoy the most about their sharing or creations?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Did you go 'trick or treating'?  
What does it mean to 'trick or treat'?  Why do you say that and what do you have to do?
Describe your costume?
Describe the best costume you saw.
Don't forget to put your name.