Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Marshmallow Structures - Our Second Attempt!

We had another go at making marshmallow structures.  We knew that our base had to be stronger.  This is what we did, how we did it and what we ended up with!
How did you find it the second time?  What did you do differently?  Don't forget your name!

This is our 2D flower
This is the marquee 
This is our tower
This is our tank with a target
This is our house with a door


  1. I liked our tower because it was a little balanced.Because Oliver kept on getting sticks.I liked the bit when the tower was very high.


  2. This time the secret to make our scultur stronger is to make the bottem bigger and the top smaller so that it won't lose it's ballance.my groop made a tower we first was making a house but it turned into a elephant and turned into a tower.

    By Oliver Zhang RM19

  3. I liked it how our tower was very fat and big. That's all folks!


  4. I think we did better because the first one we did we thought of really hard ides but now we know we shouldn't make it hard

  5. The second time I think we did better because the first time we thought of really hard ides . I felt happy because we made it cool

