Tuesday, November 29, 2011

SAS - Sleepover At School

SAS is coming up soon.  What are your thoughts about SAS?
Any worries?
Any concerns?
What are you looking forward to the most?
Don't forget your name!


  1. Im excited about the water slide because I love water slides I love water slides so much I could marry them and I am also looking forward to my mum and dad helping

    E dog

  2. I am worried about if i will wet my pants!I am excited about the cool slimy hydroslide because it will be very quick.


  3. I am so excited about SAS because It is my first ever sleepover!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy and excited, a bit nervous of Athletics in case I do something wrong but everything else is SSStttuuunnniiinnnggg! I can't wait! I'm looking forward to every thing in SAS. My worries are if I forget something that's important.

  4. I am excited about the sleep over at school because its the first time sleeping with out mum and dad.I am looking toward the water slide because I like sliding down sides but adding some water will make it more fun!
    By Oliver

  5. I am worried about waking me up at midnight because if I wake up I can't sleep again.
    I am concerned about what kind of pizzas we are eating because I like Hawaiian pizzas.
    I am very excited of at the activities we are going to doing because I like activities.

    Written by:
    Max Ji

  6. I am worried about sleeping in the middle of the night because people might snore like my dad. I am excited about going on the water slide because I haven't gone on a water slide in a while. I am nervous about athletics because I might be toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lazy to get up.

    Name: Samantha

  7. I am worried about sleeping because people might snore.I am concerned about having cereal for breakfast because with the milk it is soggy and I don't like it soggy.I am excited about the water slide because it will be sooooooo much fun.I am nervous about Athletics day because I might be too lazy to get up.I am most looking forward to the water slide because it will be soooooooooooooooo fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Jumana Maash

  8. I am not worried about any thing because I get to sleep at school with my friends.I also have no concerns.I am excited about the water slid because I know its going to be fun.I am not nerves about anything.I am looking forward about the water slid because you get to get wet. Isis

  9. I am a a bit worried about sleepping with lots of people because I have only had a sleepover with one. I am excited about having a water slid because we can bush mrs chambers down the slid.I am looking fourd to the water slid because we will get sosking


  10. I'm excited. No worries. I'm very looking forwards to the SAS.
    I hope it will be fun


  11. Im feeling SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I'm so looking foward to the water slide bacause i LOVE swimming! (And i like water!)Sakura

  12. I am excited about the water slide because it looks fun.
    I am nervous about waking up in the morning because I might wake up to late.I am most looking forward about the activities we do because I have not done athletes day.

  13. I'm not worried about anything or concerned so I'm good and ready to go it is going to be so cool and fun I just cant wait to play around at the awesome SAS.

    Elite People Force (EPF)

    Regards Allan xu

  14. I am very Excited.
    No worries.
    very very Excited.
    Not very Nervous.
    I am looking forward the waterslide because it might be fun


  15. No worries.
    Im very very excited.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I looking forward to the water slide because my brother said it was very very very very very ccccccccccccccccooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!

  16. I am worried about the sleep over because it is my first time staying at school over night and I am not actually relay happy going to school for a sleep over.
    I am looking forward to eating breakfast with my friends.

  17. Woops! I forgot to write my name.

  18. I am looking forward to sleep with my friend because I have never slept with lots of people .I am not worried and Nervous because I don't feel like it.

  19. I am excited about the water slide because I love the water slide. I am nervous about Althletics.

  20. I am looking forward to athletics and sleeping in the class with my friends. I am not worried or nervous about anything. I am most looking forward to the water slide because it sounds super fun!

  21. I'm only worried that it will rain!
    We are going to have so much fun. I can't wait.

  22. I am looking forward to helping with SAS this week, especially the Burma trail. I am keen to see how the water slide goes plus I hope I don't snore as Samantha suggested.

  23. We all hope you don't snore like Samantha suggested!
    Don't forget to bring your togs. The parents..... oh I mean the kids really love the water slide!
