Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Did you go 'trick or treating'?  
What does it mean to 'trick or treat'?  Why do you say that and what do you have to do?
Describe your costume?
Describe the best costume you saw.
Don't forget to put your name.


  1. I went to trick or treating because I never go to Halloween.I think Trick or treat means that do a trice or give us candy.I had heaps of fun at Halloween that day!

    By Oliver Zhang

  2. No I did not go trick or treating because we do it every second halloween. Trick means they aren't going to give you lollies and treat means they are going to give you lollies. The best costume I saw was a witch costume.


  3. I did not go trick or treating because I was at somebody's house.

  4. Yes I did go trick or treating trick means that they aren't going to give you lollies treat means they WILL give you lollies my costume was a witch I got millions of lollies I had a great time!
    my best costume was a draculer!!!!


  5. I did go to tick a treating. I was as a which. It means that you give some lolles. THe best costume was the cowgirl.


  6. I didn't go to trick or treating because my mum said that trick or treating is for ghost people so we dont believen ghosts so we dont go to howleween

  7. I went trick or treating and got heaps of lollies. I was dressed as a cowgirl.I wore pink tights,a denim skirt,a pink top,a cowboy hat and some brown boots.The best costume I saw was a vampire costume.They wore a cape,black pants and top under.She also had facepaint on her face.


  8. I didn't go 'trick or treating' because I don't celebrate Halloween.
    I think 'trick or treating' means you have to trick other people and treat other people.

  9. I did not go trick or treating because my friend said that his street do's not celebrate Halloween! Trick or treating is a time when you go to house to house and get lots of candy! I went to this halloween party and got a BIG candy apple for $2. My costume was a where wolf because it had i tale,furry coat,where wolf mask and black pants. I saw a girl with a Scooby doo costume,i liked it because i love Scooby doo and it was a really good idea.By Sakura

  10. No, I didn't go trick or treating. I think trick or treat means that you go to other people's house and ask for lollies, if they don't give you a treat then you do a trick on them. Because we are celebrating it and doing tricks for lots of fun. In Halloween you go knocking on other people's houses and get lollies from them. You can go to any house you see. I wore nothing because my family doesn't celebrate Halloween. Nobody came to our house.
    Written By: Amy Wang

  11. I did go to halloween because I want lollies.Trick or treating mean that give me lollie or I'll trick you.you say that because to scare them and let them give you lollie .you just need to say that and then they will give lollie. I had a black costom for a vampire I had fake sharp teeth. The best costom I saw was a costom like me. jeffrey

  12. I did not go trick or treating because I have too much lollies. Trick or treat means if you don't give lollies to the person they will do something naughty to your house or the person who gave the lollies. I did not go trick or treating. The best costume I saw was the cat women costume.

    By jerway

  13. I did not go trick or treating because I was tired.

    Allan PS I like pie.

  14. On Monday I went trick or treat and I got a lot of candy . It tasted
    so good and I got 31 pieces of candy. by maxwell

  15. The best costume that I saw was a vampire.My costume was black and purple.It has a pointy hat I was a witch.I did go trick and treat.


  16. i did not go trikortreeting because i dont have a

    liam lk

  17. I went to trick or treating I get lots of lollies. I think that trick or treating means to get lollies. you have to scare people. My costume was a vampire cap. Some pirates.

    Vinny wong

  18. I did go trick or treating but I really know what halloween means. You dress up and go trick or treating. I put on a vampire mask. by bushra

  19. Wow! Some interesting tales to tell. I didn't go trick or treating either. I had to cook a delicious dinner. If I did go trick or treating I would have gone as a fire breathing dragon!
